Tuesday 25 November 2014

The Four Basic Food Molecules - Chapter 2 : FAT

Fats and oils are members of a large chemical family called the lipids, a term that comes from the Greek for “fat.” 

Fats and oils are invaluable in the kitchen: they provide flavor and a pleasurable and persistent smoothness; they tenderize many foods by permeating and weakening their structure; they’re a cooking medium that allows us to heat foods well above the boiling point of water, thus drying out the food surface to produce a crisp texture and rich flavor. 

Many of these qualities reflect a basic property of the lipids: they are chemically unlike water, and largely incompatible with it. And thanks to this quality, they have played an essential role in the function of all living cells from the very beginnings of life. Because they don’t mix with water, lipids are well suited to the job of forming boundaries—membranes— between watery cells. This function is performed mainly by phospholipids similar to lecithin, molecules that cooks also use to form membranes around tiny oil droplets. Fats and oils themselves are created and stored by animals and plants as a concentrated, compact form of chemical energy, packing twice the calories as the same weight of either sugar or starch.

In addition to fats, oils, and phospholipids, the lipid family includes betacarotene and similar plant pigments, vitamin E, cholesterol, and waxes. These are all molecules made by living things that consist mainly of chains of carbon atoms, with hydrogen atoms projecting from the chain. Each carbon atom can form four bonds with other atoms, so a given carbon atom in the chain is usually bonded to two carbon atoms, one on each side, and two hydrogens. 

This carbon-chain structure has one overriding consequence: lipids can’t dissolve in water. They are “hydrophobic” or “water-fearing” substances. The reason for this is that carbon and hydrogen atoms pull with a similar force on their shared electrons. So unlike the oxygen-hydrogen bond, the carbon-hydrogen bond is not polar, and the hydrocarbon chain as a whole is non-polar.

When polar water and non-polar lipids are mixed together, the polar water molecules form hydrogen bonds with each other, the long lipid chains form a weaker kind of bond with each other (van der Waals bonds), and the two substances segregate themselves. Oils minimize the surface at which they contact water by coalescing into large blobs, and resist being divided into smaller droplets.

Thanks to their chemical relatedness, different lipids can dissolve in each other. This is why the carotenoid pigments—the beta-carotene in carrots, the lycopene in tomatoes—and intact chlorophyll, whose molecule has a lipid tail, color cooking fats much more intensely than they do cooking water.

Lipids share two other characteristics. One is their clingy, viscous, oily consistency, which results from the many weak bonds formed between their long carbonhydrogen molecules. And those same molecules are so bulky that all natural fats, solid or liquid, float on water. Water is a denser substance due to its extensive hydrogen bonding, which packs its small molecules more tightly together.


Fats and oils are members of the same class of chemical compounds, the triglycerides. They differ from each other only in their melting points: oils are liquid at room temperature, fats solid. Rather than use the technical triglyceride to denote these compounds, I’ll use fats as the generic term. Oils are liquid fats. These are invaluable ingredients in cooking. Their clingy viscosity provides a moist, rich quality to many foods, and their high boiling point makes them an ideal cooking medium for the production of intense browning-reaction flavors.

Glycerol and Fatty Acids Though they contain traces of other lipids, natural fats and oils are triglycerides, a combination of three fatty acid molecules with one molecule of glycerol. Glycerol is a short 3- carbon chain that acts as a common frame to which three fatty acids can attach themselves. The fatty acids are so named because they consist of a long hydrocarbon chain with one end that has an oxygen-hydrogen group and that can release the hydrogen as a proton.

It’s the acidic group of the fatty acid that binds to the glycerol frame to construct a glyceride: glycerol plus one fatty acid makes a monoglyceride, glycerol plus two fatty acids makes a diglyceride, and glycerol plus three fatty acids makes a triglyceride. Before it bonds to the glycerol frame, the acidic end of the fatty acid is polar, like water, and so it gives the free fatty acid a partial ability to form hydrogen bonds with water. Fatty acid chains can be from 4 to about 35 carbons long, though the most common in foods are from 14 to 20 carbons long.

The properties of a given triglyceride molecule depend on the structure of its three fatty acids and their relative positions on the glycerol frame. And the properties of a fat depend on the particular mixture of triglycerides it contains.


The Meaning of Saturation The terms “saturated” and “unsaturated” fats are familiar from nutrition labels and ongoing discussions of diet and health, but their meaning is seldom explained. A saturated lipid is one whose carbon chain is saturated—filled to capacity—with hydrogen atoms: there are no double bonds between carbon atoms, so each carbon within the chain is bonded to two hydrogen atoms.

An unsaturated lipid has one or more double bonds between carbon atoms along its backbone. The double-bonded carbons therefore have only one bond left for a hydrogen atom. A fat molecule with more than one double bond is called polyunsaturated.

Fat Saturation and Consistency Saturation matters in the behavior of fats because double bonds significantly alter the geometry and the regularity of the fatty-acid chain, and so its chemical and physical properties. A saturated fatty acid is very regular and can stretch out completely straight. But because a double bond between carbon atoms distorts the usual bonding angles, it has the effect of adding a kink to the chain.

Two or more kinks can make it curl. A group of identical and regular molecules fits more neatly and closely together than different and irregular molecules. Fats composed of straight-chain saturated fatty acids fall into an ordered solid structure— the process has been described as “zippering”—more readily than do kinked unsaturated fats. 

Animal fats are about half saturated and half unsaturated, and solid at room temperature, while vegetable fats are
about 85% unsaturated, and are liquid oils in the kitchen. Even among the animal fats, beef and lamb fats are noticeably harder than pork or poultry fats, because more of their triglycerides are saturated. 

Double bonds are not the only factor in determining the melting point of fats. Shortchain fatty acids are not as readily “zippered” together as the longer chains, and so tend to lower the melting point of fats. And the more variety in the structures of their fatty acids, the more likely the mixture of triglycerides will be an oil.

Fat Saturation and Rancidity 

Saturated fats are also more stable, slower to become rancid than unsaturated fats. The double bond of an unsaturated fat opens a space unprotected by hydrogen atoms on one side of the chain. This exposes the carbon atoms to reactive molecules that can break the chain and produce small volatile fragments.

Atmospheric oxygen is just such a reactive molecule, and is one of the major causes of flavor deterioration in foods containing fats. Water and metal atoms from other food ingredients also help fragment fats and cause rancidity. The more unsaturated the fat, the more prone it is to deterioration.

Beef has a longer shelf life than chicken, pork, or lamb because its fat is more saturated and so more stable.
Some small volatile fragments of unsaturated lipids actually have desirable and distinctive aromas. The typical aroma of crushed green leaves and of cucumber both come from fragments of membrane phospholipids generated not just by oxygen, but by special plant enzymes. And the characteristic aroma of deep-fried foods comes in part from particular fatty-acid fragments created at high temperatures.

Hydrogenation: Altering Fat Saturation 
For more than a century now, manufacturers have been making solid, fat-like shortenings and margarines from liquid seed oils to obtain both the desired texture and improved keeping qualities. There are several ways to do this, the simplest and most common being to saturate the unsaturated fatty acids artificially. This process is called hydrogenation, because it adds hydrogen atoms to the unsaturated chains. A small amount of nickel is added to the oil as a catalyst, and the mixture is then exposed to hydrogen gas at high temperature and pressure. After the fat has absorbed the desired amount of hydrogen, the nickel is filtered out.

Trans Fatty Acids 
It turns out that the hydrogenation process straightens a certain proportion of the kinks in unsaturated fatty acids not by adding hydrogen atoms to them, but by rearranging the double bond, twisting it so that its bend is less extreme. These molecules remain chemically unsaturated—the double bond between two carbons remains—but they have been transformed from an acutely irregular cis geometry to a more regular trans structure.

Cis is Latin for “on this side of,” and trans for “across from”; the terms describe the positions of neighboring hydrogen atoms on the double bond between carbon atoms. Because the trans fatty acids are less kinked, more like a saturated fat chain in structure, they make it easier for the fat to crystallize and so make it firmer. They also make the fatty acid less prone to attack by oxygen, so it’s more stable. 

Unfortunately, trans fatty acids also resemble saturated fats in raising blood cholesterol levels, which can contribute to the development of heart disease. Manufacturers are required to list the trans fatty acid content of their foods, and they’re beginning to implement other processing techniques that harden fat consistency without creating trans fatty acids. 


Most fats do not have sharply defined melting points. Instead, they soften gradually over a broad temperature range. As the temperature rises, the different kinds of fat molecules melt at different points and slowly weaken the whole structure. (An interesting exception to this rule is cocoa butter). This behavior is especially important in baking pastries and cakes, and it’s what makes butter spreadable at room temperature.

Melted fats do eventually change from a liquid to a gas: but only at very high temperatures, from 500ºF - 750ºF / 260ºC - 400ºC. This high boiling point, far above water’s, is the indirect result of the fats’ large molecular size. While they can’t form hydrogen bonds, the carbon chains of fats do form weaker bonds with each other. 

Because fat molecules are capable of forming so many bonds along their lengthy hydrocarbon chains, the individually weak interactions have a large net effect: it takes a lot of heat energy to knock the molecules apart from each other.

The Smoke Point Most fats begin to decompose at temperatures well below their boiling points, and may even spontaneously ignite on the stovetop if their fumes come into contact with the gas flame. These facts limit the maximum useful temperature of cooking fats. The characteristic temperature at which a fat breaks down into visible gaseous products is called the smoke point. 

Not only are the smoky fumes obnoxious, but the other materials that remain in the liquid, including chemically active free fatty acids, tend to ruin the flavor of the food being cooked. The smoke point depends on the initial free fatty acid content of the fat: the lower the free fatty acid content, the more stable the fat, and the higher the smoke point.

Free fatty acid levels are generally lower in vegetable oils than in animal fats, lower in refined oils than unrefined ones, and lower in fresh fats and oils than in old ones. Fresh refined vegetable oils begin to smoke around 450ºF/230ºC, animal fats around 375ºF/190ºC. Fats that contain other substances, such as emulsifiers, preservatives, and in the case of butter, proteins and carbohydrates, will smoke at lower temperatures than pure fats. Fat breakdown during deep frying can be slowed by using a tall, narrow pan and so reducing the area of contact between fat and atmosphere. 

The smoke point of a deep-frying fat is lowered every time it’s used, since some breakdown is inevitable even at moderate temperatures, and trouble-making particles of food are always left behind.


Some very useful chemical relatives of the true fats, the triglycerides, are the diglycerides and monoglycerides. These molecules act as emulsifiers to make fine, cream-like mixtures of fat and water—such sauces as mayonnaise and hollandaise—even though fat and water don’t normally mix with each other. 

The most prominent natural emulsifiers are the diglyceride phospholipids in egg yolks, the most abundant of which is lecithin (it makes up about a third of the yolk lipids). Diglycerides have only two fatty-acid chains attached to the glycerol frame, and monoglycerides just one, with the remaining positions on the frame being occupied by small polar groups of atoms. These molecules are thus water-soluble at the head, and fat-soluble at the tail. 

In cell membranes, the phospholipids assemble themselves in two layers, with one set of polar heads facing the watery interior, the other set the watery exterior, and the tails of both sets mingling in between. When the cook whisks some fat into a water-based liquid that contains emulsifiers—oil into egg yolks, for example—the fat forms tiny droplets that would normally coalesce and separate again. But the emulsifier tails become dissolved in the droplets, and the electrically charged heads project from the droplets and shield the droplets from each other. 

The emulsion of fat droplets is now stable. These “surface-active” molecules have many other applications as well. For example, monoglycerides have been used for decades in the baking business because they help retard staling, apparently by complexing with amylose and blocking starch retrogradation.

Monday 24 November 2014

The Four Basic Food Molecules - Chapter 1 : WATER

"Water is the major component of nearly all foods and of ourselves. It is a medium in which we heat foods in order to change their Flavor, Texture and Stability. "

Water is our most familiar chemical companion. It is the smallest and simplest of the basic food molecules, just three atoms; Hydrogen 2, Oxygen. Leaving aside the fact that it shapes the earth's continents and climate, all life, including our own, exists in a water solution. A legacy of life's origin billions of years ago in the oceans. Our bodies are 60% water by weight, raw meat is about 75%, fruits and vegetables up to 95%.

 "Our Ancestor was an animal which breathed water, had a swim bladder, a great swimming tail, an imperfect skull and undoubtedly was a hermaphrodite." - Charles Darwin, Darwin 1860, vol 8: 29

The important properties of ordinary water can be understood as different manifestations of one fact. Each water molecule is electrically unsymmetrical, or polar; it has a positive end and a negative end. This is because the oxygen atom exerts a stronger pull than the hydrogen atoms on the electrons they share, and because the hydrogen atoms project from one side of the oxygen to form a kind of V shape; so there's an oxygen end and a hydrogen end to the water molecule.

The oxygen end is more negative than the hydrogen end. This polarity means that the negative oxygen on one water molecule feels an electrical attraction to the positive hydrogen(s) on other water molecules. When this attraction brings two molecules closer to each other and holds them there, its called a hydrogen bond. The molecules in ice and liquid water are participating in from one to four hydrogen bonds at any given moment. However, the motion of the molecules in the liquid is forceful enough to overcome the strength of hydrogen bonds and break them; so the hydrogen bonds in liquid water are fleeting and are constantly being formed and broken.

The natural tendency of water molecules to form bonds with each other has a number of effects in the kitchen and also in our very lives.

Water is good at Dissolving other substances

Water forms hydrogen bonds not only with itself, but with other substances that have at-least some electrical polarity, some unevenness in the distribution of positive and negative electrical charges. Of other major food molecules, which are much larger and more complex than water, both carbohydrates and proteins have polar regions.

Water molecules are attracted to these regions and cluster around them. When they do this, they effectively surround the larger molecules and separate them from each other. If they do this more or less completely, so that each molecule is mostly surrounded by a cloud of water molecules, then that substance has Dissolved in the water.

Water and Heat

From Ice to Steam.

The hydrogen bonds among its molecules have a strong effect on how water absorbs and transmits heat. At Low temperatures, water exists as solid ice, its molecules immobilized in organized crystals. As it warms up, it first melts to become liquid water; and then the liquid water vaporizes to form steam. Each phase is  affected by hydrogen bonding.

Ice Damages Cells. Normally, the solid phase of a given substance is denser than the liquid phase. As the molecules' attraction for each other becomes stronger than their movements, the molecules settle into a compact arrangement determined by their geometry. In solid water however, the molecular packing is dictated by the requirement for even distribution. The result is a solid with more space between molecules than the liquid phase. Water expands when it freezes that water pipes burst when the heater fails in the winter or the container of leftover soup shatter in the freezer if they are too full for the liquid to expand freely.Raw plant and animal tissues are damaged when they are frozen and leak liquid when thawed. During freezing, the expanding ice crystals rupture cell membranes and cell walls, which results to loss in internal fluids when the crystal melt.

Liquid water is Slow to Heat Up.  Liquid water has a high specific heat, the amount of energy required to raise its temperature by any given amount. Water absorbs a lot of energy before its temperature rises; for example; It takes 10 times the energy to heat an ounce of water 1* as it does to heat an ounce of iron 1*. In the time that it takes to get an iron pan too hot to handle on the stove, water will have gotten only tepid. Before the heat energy added to the water can cause its molecules to move faster and its temperature to rise, some of the energy must first break the hydrogen bonds so that the molecules are free to move faster.

The basic consequence of this characteristic is that a body of water can absorb a lot of heat without itself quickly becoming hot. In the Kitchen, it means that a covered pan of water will take twice as long as a pan of oil to heat up to any given temperature and conversely, it will hold the temperature longer after the heat is removed.

Liquid water absorbs a lot of heat as it Vaporizes into Steam. Hydrogen bonding also gives water an unusually high "latent heat of vaporization", or the amount of energy that water absorbs without a rise in temperature as it changes from liquid to gas. This is how sweating cools us; as the water on the skin of our over-heated body evaporates, it absorbs large amounts of energy and carries it away into the air. Ancient cultures used the same principle to cool their drinking water and wine, storing them in porous clay vessels that evaporate moisture continuously.

Chefs take advantage of it when they bake delicate preparations like custards gently by partly immersing the containers in an open water bath, or oven-roast meats slowly at low temperatures, or simmer stock in an open pot. In each case, evaporation removes energy from the food or its surroundings and causes it to cook more gently.

Steam releases a lot of heat as it Condenses into Water. conversely, When water vapor hits a cool surface and condenses into liquid, it gives up that same high heat of vaporization. This is why steam is an effective and quick way of cooking foods compared with air heat at the same temperature. We can put our hand into an oven at 100°C and hold it there for some time before it gets uncomfortably warm; but a steaming pot will scald us in a second or two. In bread baking, an initial blast of steam increases the dough's expansion, or oven spring, and produces a lighter loaf.

Water and Acidity

Acid and Bases, Despite the fact that the molecular formula for water is H2O, even absolutely pure water contains other combinations of oxygen and hydrogen. Chemical bonds are continually being formed and broken in matter, and water is no exception. It tends to "dissociate" to a slight extent, with a hydrogen occasionally breaking off from one molecule and re-bonding to a nearby intact water molecule. This leaves one negatively charged OH combination and a positively charged H3O+ . Under normal conditions, a very small number of molecules exist in this dissociated state, something on the order of ten-millionths of a percent. This is a small number but a significant one, so significantly that humans have a specialized taste sensation to estimate its sourness.

Our term for the class of chemical compounds that releases protons into solutions, Acids, derives from the Latin Acere, meaning to taste sour. We call the complementary chemical group that accepts protons and neutralizes them, bases or alkalis.

The properties of acids and bases affect us continually in our daily life. Practically every food we eat, from steak to coffee to oranges are slightly acidic. The degree of acidity of the cooking medium can have great influence on such characteristics as the color of fruits and vegetables and the texture of meat and egg proteins. Some measure of acidity would clearly be quite useful. A simple scale has been devised to provide just that.

The standard measure of proton activity in a solution is pH, a term suggested by the Danish chemist S.P.L. Sorenson in 1909. It's essentially a more convenient version of the minuscule percentages of molecules involved. The pH of neutral, pure water, with equal numbers of protons and OH ions, is set at 7. 

A pH lower than 7 indicates an acidic solution while a pH above 7 indicates a greater prevalence of proton-accepting groups, and so a basic solution. The above diagram shows a list of common solutions and their usual pH.

Saturday 22 November 2014

Apple Explained

All About APPLES

Apple trees are especially hard and are probably the most widely distributed fruit trees on the planet. There are 35 species in the genus MALUS. The species that gives us most of our eating apples, Malus x domestica, seems to have originated in the mountains of Kazakhstan from crossings of an Asian species, Malus sieversii with several cousins. The domesticated apples spread very early throughout the Middle East, and introduced to the Mediterranean region by the time of the Greek epics and the Romans then introduced it to the rest of Europe. These days apple production is an international enterprise, with southern hemisphere countries supplementing northern stored apples during the off-season, and common varieties as likely to have come from Asia.

There are several thousand named apple varieties, which can be divided into four general groups.

Cider Apples

Mainly of the European native Malus sylvestris are high acid fruits in astringent tannin, qualities that help control alcoholic fermentation and clarify the liquid. Tannin cross-link between protein and cell wall particles and cause them to precipitate. They are almost only used in cider making.

Dessert/Eating Apples

Crisp and juicy with a pleasing balance between sour and sweet when eaten raw with pH 3.4, 15% sugar, it becomes relatively bland when cooked. Most of the apples available in supermarkets and produce markets are dessert apples.

Cooking Apples

Distinctly tart when raw with a pH +- 3, +-12% sugar, are well balanced when cooked. They have a firm flesh that tends to maintain its structure when heated in pies or tarts, rather than falling immediately into a puree or as in some early codling varieties into a fluffy froth. Many countries had their standard cooking apples.
In France, Caville blanc d'hiver. England, Bramley's Seedling. Germany, Glockemapfel. 

Dual-purpose Apples

Adequate either raw or cooked like the Golden Delicious and Granny Smith. These are usually at their best for cooking when young and tart and best for eating when older and mellow.

An apple's potential for cooking can be tested by wrapping a few slices in aluminium foil and baking in a hot oven for 15 minutes, or microwaving (or as i like to say in my kitchen, NUKE'IN !) a few slices wrapped in plastic films until the film balloons with steam.

Great Apple Dishes from Amazing Chefs.

Insalata A Voce; Green Apple, Marcona, Almonds, Pecorino
by Andrew Carmellini, A Voce, New York City.

Apple and Eggplant Croute with Apple Butter, Lemon Poached Apple 
by Dominique & Cindy Duby, Wild Sweets, Vancouver.

Poached Granny Smith, Wild Flower Honey and Belgian Endive
by Thomas Keller, The French Laundry, California.

Caramelized Apple Sunday with Butter Pecan Ice Cream
by Emily Luchetti, Farallon, San Francisco.

Apple Flavours

Apple varieties can have very distinctive flavors, and these  evolves even after the fruit are picked from the tree. The English we great connoisseurs a century ago.

"By storing apples properly in a cool place and tasting them periodically, the apple lover could catch the volatile esters at their maximum development, and the acids and sugars at their most graceful balance".-Edward Bunyand

Apples become more mellow with time because they consume most of their malic acid for energy. Much of their aroma comes from the skin, where volatile-creating enzymes are concentrated. The distinctive aroma of cooked apple pulp come largely from a floral-smelling fragment of the carotenoid pigments, damascenone.

Many fruits owe their characteristic aroma to chemicals called ESTERS which is a combination of two other molecules ACID and ALCOHOL. A typical plant cell maintains many different kinds of acids and several different kinds of alcohol. 

ethyl alcohol + acetic acid = ethyl acetate , a characteristic note in apples.

The acids may be either tart substances in the cell fluids or vacuole-acetic acid, cinnamic acid, or fatty acid portions of oil molecules and the molecules that make up cell membrane; hexonic acid, butyric acid.
The alcohols are usually by-products of cell metabolism. Fruits have enzymes that join these basic cell material into aromatic esters. A single fruit tree will emit many esters, but one or two account for most of its characteristic aroma.

Apple Air and Texture

Apples differ from pears in having as much as a quarter of their volume occupied by air, thanks to open spaces between cells in the fruit. Pears are less than 5% Air.

The Air spaces contribute to typical mealiness of an overripe apple: as the cell walls soften and the cell interiors dry out, biting into the apple simply pushes the largely separated cells apart from each other rather than breaking the cells and releasing pent-up juices.

Air cells become a factor in baking whole apples; they fill with steam and expand as the apple cooks, and the skin will split unless a strip is removed from the top to release the pressure.

Apples and Crab-apples are good sources of cell wall pectin and make excellent jellies. For the same reason, a simple puree of apples has a thick satisfying consistency when briefly cooked into an apple sauce or slowly reduced to apple butter.

Apple Juice and Cider

Apple juice can be either opalescent or clear depending on whether is pectins and proteins are left intact to deflect light rays. Made Freshly, it will stay pale and retain its flesh flavor for about an hour, after which the darkening and aroma-modifying influences of enzymes and oxygen becomes evident.

Browning can be minimized by heating the juice rapidly to the boil to inactivate the browning enzymes but of course, this will contribute to a cook flavor for the juice.

Pasteurized apple juice was first manufactured in the Switzerland, and is now one of the most important commercial fruit products in the United States.

Cider is still and important product in northwest Spain, western France and England, where the traditional method was to let the fruit pulp ferment slowly through the cold winter, reaching an alcohol content around 4%.

Some Distinctive Apple Flavours Varieties and Pairing

  • Simple, Refreshing        - Gravenstein, Granny Smith
  • Strawberry, Rasberry     - Northern Spy, Spitzenburg
  • Winey                          - McIntosh (Well Matured)
  • Aromatic, Flowery         - Cox's Orange, Ribston Pippins
  • Honey                          - Golden Delicious ( Well Matured), Fuji, Gala
  • Anise, Tarragon            - Ellison's Orange, Fenouillet
  • Pineapple                     - Newtown Pippin, Ananas Reinette
  • Banana                        - Dodds
  • Nutty                           - Blenheim Orange
  • Nutmeg                       - D'Arcy Spice

Flavor Pairing Affinities
  • Apple + Almond + Caramel
  • Apple + Almond + Armagnac + Créme Fraíce
  • Apple + Apricot + Pine Nut + Rosemary
  • Apple + Calvados + Cranberry + Mapple 
  • Apple + Caramel + Cinnamon + Dates + Lemon Confit + Quince + Vanilla
  • Apple + Celery + Walnut
  • Apple + Cinnamon + Cranberries
  • Apple + Ginger + Hazelnut + Lemon 
  • Apple + Honey + Thyme
  • Apple + Raisin + Rum
  • Apple + Red Cabbage + Cinnamon
  • Apple + Yam + Dark Chocolate

"If you cook apples on top of the stove, some varieties will have a lot of juice while other will have non at all, Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious tend to be juicy while Granny Smith are often drier. With different types of apples, you often cant predict the outcome. If i am serving Gingerbread and Apple, i will sauté them in a little sugar to see what happens, if it is letting out a bunch of juice, i wont add sugar, if they are dry, I'll add some apple juice or calvados"    - Emily LUCHETTI, Farallon, San Francisco
 "We smoke the oysters with apple-wood and serve it with a puree of apple and juniper that just plays beautifully off the oyster" - Katsuya Fukushima, Minibar, Washington DC 

Friday 21 November 2014

Scribbles on Milk

Scribbles on Milk

Milk has always been around as a nourishing skin secretion which separates mammals from reptiles. For newborns to continues their physical development outside the womb, milk is the ideal formulated food from mother to child.

We humans are completely helpless for months after birth while our brains completes its development, milk help make possible the evolution outside the womb to the spectacular and unusual animals we are.

"...I came to deliver my people out of the hands of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land and a large unto a land flowing with milk and honey.." - God to Moses on Mount Horeb (Exodus 3:8)

Rise of the Ruminants

All mammals produce milk for their young, but only a closely related handful have been exploited by humans. Around 30 million years ago, the earth's warm, moist climate became seasonally arid. This causes the expansion of the grasslands and so began the evolution of ruminant's ability to survive on dry grass.

Ruminants have highly specialized, multi-chamber stomach which accounts for a fifth of their body weight and houses trillions of fiber digesting microbes, most of which are located in the first chamber, the RUMEN.

Cattle, water buffalo, sheep, goats, camels, yaks are examples of ruminants and they produce milk copiously on feed that is otherwise useless to humans. Without them, there will be no DAIRYING.

Only a handful of species contribute significantly to the world's milk supply.

Origins of Dairying

Archaeological evidence suggests that sheep and goats were domesticated in the grasslands of present day Iran and Iraq between 8000 and 9000 BC, a thousand years before the larger and fiercer cattle. Small ruminants and then cattle were almost surely first milked into containers fashioned from skins or animal stomachs. 

The earliest hard evidence of dairying consists of clay sieves, which has been found in the settlements of early northern European farmers from around 5000 BC and rock drawings of milking scenes were made a thousand years later in the Sahara.

Early shepherds discovered that when milk is left to stand, fat-enriched cream forms at the top and if agitated the cream turns to butter. The remaining milk naturally turns acid and curdles into thick yogurt/ Salting the fresh curd produces a simple and long keeping cheese.

"...hast thou not poured me out as milk and curdled me like cheese?..." Job to God (Job 10:10)

Milk Nutrients

Nearly all milk contain the same nutrients but the relative proportions vary greatly from species to species. 
The Table below shows the nutrient contents of both familiar and unfamiliar milks.

Milk has long been synonymous with wholesome, fundamental nutrition, and for good reasons: unlike most of our foods, it is actually designed to be a food. As the sole sustaining food of the calf at the beginning of its life, it is a rich source of many essential body building nutrients, particularly: Protein, Sugar, Fat, Vitamin A, Vitamin B(s) and Calcium.

Over the pass few decades, however, the idealized portrait of milk has become more shaded as we learn that the balance of nutrients in cow's milk doesn't meet the need of human infants, and needless to say most adults can't digest the milk sugar known as Lactose. 

Nutrition and Allergies

In the middle of the 20th century, when nutrition was though to be simple matter of protein, calories, vitamins and minerals, cow's milk was deemed a good substitute for mother's milk. Physicians now recommend that plain cow's milk should not be fed to children younger than a year.

One reason is that it provides too much protein and not enough iron and highly unsaturated fats for the human infant. Another disadvantage is that it can trigger allergies as an infants digestive system is not fully formed which would result in some food protein and protein fragments to pass directly into the blood.

Most children eventually grow out of milk allergy, however, the obstacle for adults is the milk sugar Lactose, which can't be absorbed and used by the human body.

Lactose must first be broken down into its component sugars by digestive enzymes in the small intestines by the enzyme Lactase which reaches its maximum levels shortly after birth and then slowly declines to a steady minimum through adulthood.

It is obvious that it would be a waste of resources for the body to produce the enzyme when it is no longer needed as when mammals are weened, they would never encounter lactose again, Humans are the exception. If an adult without much lactase activity ingest a substantial amount of milk, the lactose passes through the small intestines and reaches the large intestines where bacteria metabolize it and in the process creates carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane which are discomforting gasses. Sugar also draws water from the intestinal walls and this causes a bloated feeling which leads to diarrhea.

Fortunately Lactose Intolerance is not the same as Milk Intolerance. Lactase-less adults can consume up to 250 ml of milk per day without severe symptoms and even more of other dairy products. Lactose intolerant milk fans can now purchase the lactose digesting enzymes itself in liquid form and add it to any dairy products just before they consume it.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Nostalgic Egg Lessons

Nostalgic Egg Lessons

These are a compilation of notes that i find very interesting and meaningful. 
It includes History, Philosophy, Recipe and of course Common Sense.
They are hand-written notes i made years ago and now i am sharing this online,
The pictures are the products of "copy and paste" from google.com.

As i was reading these old notes, the nostalgia is just amazing ! 
Hopefully, you would enjoy these as much as i did !

Have fun Reading !

The World Egg

In the beginning, this world was non-existent. As it became existent, it developed and turned into an EGG. 
One part Silver, One part Gold.
That which was Silver is this Earth, That which was Gold is the Sky,
That which was the outer membrane is the Mountains,
That which was the inner membrane is the Clouds,
What were the veins are the Rivers,
What was the fluids within is the Ocean.
What was born from the Egg is the Sun,
When it was born, shouts and hurrahs and all being and all desires rose up towards It.
Therefore at its Rise and at its every Return, shouts and hurrahs and all being and all desires Rise!

Egg and Yolk

Egg comes from an Indo-European root meaning "Bird".
The brusque-sounding Yolk is rich in overtones of light and life, It comes from the English word "Yellow".
Both the English and Greek derived ultimately from an Indo-European root meaning "to gleam, to glitter".
The same root gave us Glow and Yellow.

Roman Custard, Savory and Sweet

Patina of Soles

Beat and clean the soles and put in patina. Throw in oil, liquamen, wine. While dish cooks, pound and rub pepper, lovage, oregano; pour in some of the cooking liquid, add raw eggs and make in to a mass. Pour over the soles and cook on a slow fire. When the dish comes together, sprinkle with pepper and serve.

"Cheese" Patina

Measure enough milk for your pan, mix with honey as for the other milk dishes, add five eggs for a pint, three for a half pint. Mix them in milk until they make one mass, strain into a dish from Cuma, then cook over slow fire. When it is ready, sprinkle with some pepper and serve.

Arboulastre - An Omelette

Prepare mixed herbs: Mint, Sage, Marjoram, Fennel, Parsley, Violet leaves; include: Rue, Spinach, Lettuce, Ginger.
Beat seven eggs together and mix them together then divide in to two and make ällumellës.
First heat up frying pan with butter and cast your eggs mixture in, turn frequently over and under; then throw in some good grated cheese on top.
Know that when the ällumellës is done, the cheese that is underneath sticks to the pan and when your herbs are fried in the pan, shape your Arboulastre into a square or round.
-Lé Ménagier de Paris, ca 1390

Poche to Potage - Poach in Cremé Anglaisé

Take eggs and break them into boiling water and let them seethe, when they are done, take them out and take milk and yolks of egg and beat them well together.
In a pot, put them together with honey and saffron, let them seethe and cast therein powder of ginger and dress the egg in dishes with poured pottage from above.
-Antiquitates Culinariaé, 1791, ca 1400

Early Acid Tenderized Eggs

Marmales or Scrambled Eggs and Verjus - Without Butter

Beat four eggs seasoned with salt and adjust with four spoonsful of verjus, put the mix on the fire and stir gently with a silver spoon until thicken, take them off the fire and continue stirring as they thicken.
One can make scrambled eggs the same way with lemon juice ..
-Lé Patissiér François, ca 1690

Eggs and Fire


Turn fresh eggs carefully in warm ashes near the fire so that they cook on all sides. When they begin to leak, they are freshly done, these are the best and most agreeably served.

Eggs on a Spit

Pierce eggs with a well heated spit and parch them over the fire as if they were meat. This was men't to be a Chefs Joke and though to be a stupid invention and unsuitable for "hauté cuisine". 
- Dé honesta voluptaté e't valetudine, 1475

Oeufs brouillés au jus

Beat eggs and pass them through a fine sieve into a casserole dish, add Isigny butter, season with salt, white pepper, grated nutmeg; place on moderate stove and whip.
As soon as they begin to thicken, remove the casserole from the heat and continue to whip until the eggs form a light, smooth cream.
Add demiglace, butter, and return to stove for the finishing. Serve with caviar.
-Antonin Caréme, L'Art de la cuisine françias au 19iéme siécle, 1835

First Recipes for Créme brúlée, Créme Anglaise and Créme Caramel

Messialot's recipe for Créme Brúlée is the First, The identical recipe in the 1731 edition of his book is renamed "Créme a l'Angloise" which may well be the origin of the basic stirred cream. The English Cream has yet to be unearthed at this time.

Créme Brúlée

Mix yolks and a pinch of flour in a casserole; add milk little by little then cinnamon stick and green citron peel. Put on stove-top and stir continuously, don't let the cream stick to the bottom. When it is well cooked, place a platter on the stove and pour cream onto it and cook until it sticks to the platter rim. Remove from heat and sugar it well; take a fire iron, good and red, burn the cream so that it takes a fine gold color.
-F. Massialot, Lé cuisinier roial et bourgeois, 1692

A few decades later, Vincent La Chapelle plagiarized Massialot's Recipe for his own version which is copied word from word only adding 

.... When cream is well cooked, put a silver platter onto the hot stove with some powdered sugar and little water to dissolve; when sugar has cooled, pour cream on top; turn the sugar along the platter rim onto the top of your cream. Serve at once.
-V. La Chapelle, Lé cuisinier moderné, 1742

Medieval Cheesecake

Tart de bry

Take raw yolks of egg, and good fat cheese, dess it and mix well together. Add powdered cinnamon, ginger, sugar and saffron; put it on a crust and bake it.
-Antiquitates Culinariae, 1791, ca 1400

The First Pastry Cream

Making Cresme de Pästissier

Take a chopine of good milk in a pot and put on fire; you must also have eggs, and while milk heats up, break two eggs and mix the white and yolk with half a litron flour with a little milk. When the flour is diluted without lumps, throw in two more eggs to mix well with this preparation.
When the milk begins to boil, you pour in little by little this mixture of eggs, flour and milk;let it boil on a low flame and stir with a spoon as if with a porridge. 
At your discretion, add salt as it cooks and a quarteron good fresh butter.
Cream should cook for a good half hours then pour into a bowl and set aside for which pastry cook can use in many baked goods.
-Lé Pätissier françois, ca 1690

Earliest of White Foams: Snow and Biscuits

Eggs in Snow

Break the eggs, separate whites from yolks, place the eggs on a plate with some butter, season with salt, place on hot coals. Beat and whip the whites well, and just before serving, throw them on the yolks with a drop of rose water, the fire iron underneath; sugar then serve.
-François Pierre de La Varenne, Lé Cuisinier françois, 1651

Italian Biskets

Take a quarter pound of searsed sugar, beat it in an Alabaster Mortar with the white of eggs, add a little gum tragacanth steep't in rose water to bring to a Perfect Paste. Mould it with a little Anniseed and a grain of Musk; then make it up like a Dutch Bread, bake it on a Pye-plate in a warm oven till they rise high and white.
Take them out but handle them till they be thoroughly dry and cold.
-Queen's Closet Open'd, 1655

Earliest of Soufflée and Soufflé

Omelette Soufflée with Veal Kidney

Take a roasted veal kidney, with fats, chop and put onto a casserole to cook for a moment to break apart. Off the fire and ladle a large spoonful of sweet cream and yolks  whose whites you will whip; season with salt, minced parsley and candied lemon peel.
Whips whites of egg to snow; mix with the rest and beat it well. A piece of butter put to the pan till melted; pour in your mixture and cook gently.
Hold a red-hot fire iron above it and invert onto the serving platter and put onto a small stove and rise they will to a handsome height.
Powder with sugar and glaze with the fire iron without touching the Omelette Entrremet.

Timbales of Cream

Have a good pastry cream, bitter almond biscuits, candied lemon peel, orange flowers; add them to white eggs and whip them to snow.
Have your timbales dishes greased with good fresh butter; powder them with crumbs of biscuit and fill with your snow cream.
Cook them in the oven, turn them out and serve hot.
-Vincent La Chapelle, Lé Cuisinier moderne, 1742

Medieval Precursors of Zabaglione and Sabayon

Chaudeau flament - Flemish Hot Drink

Set little water to boil; beat egg yolks without whites; mix them with wine and pour gradually into your water stirring it well to keep it from setting. Salt off the fire, verjuice and serve.
-Taillevent, Lé Viandier, ca 1375

Cawdell Ferry

Raw yolks of egg separated from whites and good wine in a pot on a fair fire; throw in the yolks and stir well and let it not boil; till it be thick, add in sugar, saffron, salt, mace, gilly-flowers and galigale. When serving, sprinkle with powdered ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg.
-Harleian MS279, ca 1425


Cups of Zabaglone gets with fresh egg yolks, sugar, good cinnamon sticks and a good sweet wine. Cook this until thick as broth; set it out on a plate for the boys with a bit of good fresh butter.
-Cuoco Napoletano, ca 1475, transl. Terence Sully